before anything else MyBB 1.6s video embed code looks like this
our result:
url differences:
you can also modify the shortlink by adding "/watch?v=" in between the
below is an example of a modified short link
also the current video embed code for youtube in MyBB 1.6s will work with the modified short link
see here: post #6 by wethegreenpeople
view video embed code for the link above click here <-- please do not click submit after viewing
modified short link will work regardless if there is an &xxx after the vidID
but having modifiedShorLink&xxx may NOT WORK all the time.
Do not modify short links by adding 'www' right after the 'http' protocol
if you do this, you will be redirected to Google's 404 page.
## Setup for shortlink MyCode ##
Regular Expression:
screenshot below: ( post feedback if it works, or not? )
[video=youtube] ** youtube long link here ** [/video]
when used with shortlinks ( )our result:
url differences:
Quote:long link: short link hd also available )
short link: (new)
you can also modify the shortlink by adding "/watch?v=" in between the it here)vidID
below is an example of a modified short link
also the current video embed code for youtube in MyBB 1.6s will work with the modified short link
see here: post #6 by wethegreenpeople
view video embed code for the link above click here <-- please do not click submit after viewing
modified short link will work regardless if there is an &xxx after the vidID
but having modifiedShorLink&xxx may NOT WORK all the time.
Do not modify short links by adding 'www' right after the 'http' protocol
if you do this, you will be redirected to Google's 404 page.
## Setup for shortlink MyCode ##
Regular Expression:
<param name="movie" value="$1&fs=1&source=uds" /></param>
<div style="text-align: center;">
<embed height="390" src="$1&fs=1&source=uds" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="520" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true"></embed></div>
screenshot below: ( post feedback if it works, or not? )