Not Solved MyBB tabbed menu no subforums showing up
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Hello all,

I've installed Mybb tabbed menu but the sub menu's aren't showing up which is rather annoying because they are quite helpful for me.

Any suggestions? fixes?
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This user has been denied support. This user has been denied support.
Please be noted that there is two different Tab plugins:
One, My Tabs
Two, Mybb Tabbed Menu.

Based on what I saw,
The MyBB Tabbed Menu is Jesse Laborcca's, He's plugin support is at
Not Solved
Which Tabbed menu?

If it's Labrocca's plugin you'll have to ask for support over at MyBB Central.
No longer involved in the MyBB project.
Not Solved
its tabbed menu guys.
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So, I assume you mean the one Labrocca created.

You'll have to ask for support over at MyBB Central for that.
No longer involved in the MyBB project.

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