Not Solved Advanced quick reply + spell check! -> Integrating 2 plugins!
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I want to integrate the spell check to advanced quick reply!

1.) Advanced quick reply ->
2.) Spell check plugin ->

What I did was: I just opened the theme template : showthread templates
Then I had showthread_quickreply -> Created by plugin may be

So i just inserted the following lines there:
<input class="button" type="button" value="Check Spelling" onClick="openSpellChecker();"/>

I was successful in showing the Check spelling button in quick reply but it did nothing!

Perhaps I need to connect it someway!
Maybe change the onClick thing Huh
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99% of the plugins don't modify core files automatically that I know of.
Is there a particular reason why you want to know this?
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As Aries-Belgium stated, most plugins don't modify core files. But they do edit templates.

In order to view which files have been modified (in comparison to the original MyBB package), go to Admin CP > Tools & Maintenance > File Verification.
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Yeah the reason is that I have 2 plugins installed:
1.) Advanced quick reply ->
2.) Spell check plugin ->

I want to integrate the spell check to advanced quick reply Smile

What I did was: I just opened the theme template : showthread templates
Then I had showthread_quickreply -> Created by plugin may be Wink

So i just inserted the following lines there:
<input class="button" type="button" value="Check Spelling" onClick="openSpellChecker();"/>

I was successful in showing the Check spelling button in quick reply but it did nothing!

Perhaps I need to connect it someway
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(2011-06-15, 11:14 AM)faviouz Wrote: In order to view which files have been modified (in comparison to the original MyBB package), go to Admin CP > Tools & Maintenance > File Verification.

Although, file verification doesn't work for 1.6.3 because the MD5 hashes are incorrect for all files.

If you want to check which plugin updates which template, upload a file called 'tplcheck.php' or something in your MyBB root and paste in this code:
$plugins = glob("./inc/plugins/*.php");

foreach($plugins as $plugin)
	$name = basename($plugin, '.php');
	$content = file_get_contents($plugin);
	$templates = array();
	if(preg_match_all("/find_replace_templatesets\((.*?)\,/si", $content, $matches))
		foreach($matches[1] as $template) 
			$template = str_replace(array("\"","'"), "", $template);
			$template = trim($template);
			if(!in_array($template, $templates))
				$templates[] = $template;
	print "<strong>{$name}:</strong> ".implode(", ", $templates)."<br/>";
Now navigate to your forum url and add 'tplcheck.php' or whatever you called it. It should display all your plugins and the templates they update.
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Thanx bro Smile

But it doesn't show anything about spell check! Sad

Can you give a solution to my last post?

Do I need to put something else in place of onclick?
Bump...changed the topic Smile
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Can anyone tell me how to merge them?

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