Not Solved Error on ajax chat box.
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i upload ajax chat to my root directory ..

when i go to

i got error
Quote:Query: DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ajax_chat_online; Error-Report: Error-Code:

What to do ???/

step wise plz
Not Solved
I guess you didn't upload the relevant files of the chat box to appropriate directories. Give me the link that you have downloaded that chat box and i'll check it and inform you the progress.
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i solve problem.. thx for reply

i change db in config file then i installed.
Not Solved
I get this error and it accepts my login and than changes to this:

Query: SELECT userID, userName, userRole, channel, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(dateTime) AS timeStamp, ip FROM wcovenet_chat.ajax_chat_online ORDER BY userName; Error-Report: Error-Code:

Please help me...

I had to make an additional database and then it installed and is working... hmmmmm


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