Not Solved Top Link Layout?
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Is there anyway to layout these top links better?

Figured it out. Sorry.
Was global.css / advanced / .menu ul (changed right to center)
Not Solved
could you elaborate please.. I feel that they are fine !!
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Thanks ranjani for replying. Figured it out.
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Your monitor's dimensions are too small. Try viewing your website in a large monitor, it will work just fine. With all the links and images next to them, obviously the header will run out of space. There is a workaround though, which will make the container larger and therefore hold more links in a row:

1. Go to Admin CP > Templates & Style > Themes > Your Theme > global.css > Advanced Mode.

2. Find:

#container {
	background: #fff;
	width: 64%;
	color: #000000;
	border-left: 1px solid #b7b7b7;
	border-right: 1px solid #b7b7b7;
	margin: auto auto;
	padding: 20px;
	text-align: left;

3. Change 64% to a bigger value until you can see the links properly.

/ninjad by the op himself

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