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2.0 HTML5
Oh, haha. My bad, I have definitely been fooled. D:
I highly disagree. This forces MyBB to do an update everytime a major browser does an update to adapt the techonology if something breaks (for example, Ie). Personally i would stray from using anything that isn't finished.

2.0 will be ready far before these two are finished.
I'm not here often, shoot a PM or whatever if you want my discord.
Idk they will actually probably finish around the same time Toungue. The W3C plans on having HTML5 ready by July 2014. Whether everything is implemented by the browsers or not though is up for debate. Not, to mention people actually updating...
We'll be loading 2.0 with every possible HTML 5 tag ever invented. It will make IE be sick just at the thought of loading your forum.

(2011-07-23, 09:17 AM)Tomm M Wrote: We'll be loading 2.0 with every possible HTML 5 tag ever invented. It will make IE be sick just at the thought of loading your forum.


Well, IE9 includes support for HTML5, if I remember correctly.
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It provides a lot more than IE8 did but it's still about 20% overall behind the other major browsers. And, no browser has at least 90% support for HTML5.
IE9 is still way behind - especialy on the new form stuff. It supports basic block elements like header, section, article and stuff as well as some other parts of the spec, but it's still behind.

Saying that, I still use HTML5 no problem with the help of things like modernizr Wink I've tested back to IE7 with my code and it works nearly flawlessly (IE's box model screws up some positioning vertically by 1 or 2 pixels, but it's not notice-able till you compare it to another browser).
I am interesting surprise html5 is sound!
(2011-07-19, 04:48 PM)Eric J. Wrote: But HTML6 and CSS4 were announced a year ago, so in 2-3 years I would say it will start creeping up on us and no one would want MyBB to be 2 versions behind. I would say HTML5 would be pretty necessary to prevent that.

I've heard talk that version numbers are going away after (X)HTML5.
Version numbers aren't going away to my understanding. Just that the doctype is simply going to be html as all future versions should be backwards compatible. It's the reason things that are pretty much removed are called obsolete instead.

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