Not Solved Inline Thread Popups -- no good on MyBB 1.6
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Hello, here is the error when trying to activate the Inline Thread Popup plugin:
Quote:MyBB has experienced an internal SQL error and cannot continue.
SQL Error:
1146 - Table 'greatlc9_mybb.mybb_mybb_settinggroups' doesn't exist
INSERT INTO mybb_mybb_settinggroups (name,title,description,disporder,isdefault) VALUES ('Itp','Inline thread popups','Settings for Inline thread popups.','30','no')

Looks like it has the table prefix wrong. I checked the PHP file, to see if that is defined in there and can easily be changed, but I am new to this and cannot see where it can easily be fixed. Also, I am not sure that the table names would still be correct for version 1.6. Would anyone be able to take a look at this PHP file and correct it for MyBB 1.6? I hear it is a really nice one to have.


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.php   pcssp.php (Size: 7.86 KB / Downloads: 177)
Not Solved
I like the Crackter (Authors) idea..
Okay, I tried to port it from 1.2 to 1.6
Use your own risk.
So, far works for me.. Wink

Use attached file, and install as plugins.
But, manually change your default (replace all) forumdisplay_thread templates

to this one
	<td align="center" class="{$bgcolor}{$thread_type_class}" width="2%"><div class="inline"><a href="#"><img src="{$theme['imgdir']}/{$folder}.gif" alt="{$folder_label}" title="{$folder_label}" /><span>{$inline}</span></a></div></td>
	<td align="center" class="{$bgcolor}{$thread_type_class}" width="2%">{$icon}</td>
	<td class="{$bgcolor}{$thread_type_class}">
			<span>{$prefix} {$gotounread}{$thread['threadprefix']}<a href="{$thread['threadlink']}" class="{$inline_edit_class} {$new_class}" id="tid_{$inline_edit_tid}">{$thread['subject']}</a>{$thread['multipage']}</span>
			<div class="author smalltext">{$thread['profilelink']}</div>
	<td align="center" class="{$bgcolor}{$thread_type_class}"><a href="javascript:MyBB.whoPosted({$thread['tid']});">{$thread['replies']}</a>{$unapproved_posts}</td>
	<td align="center" class="{$bgcolor}{$thread_type_class}">{$thread['views']}</td>
	<td class="{$bgcolor}{$thread_type_class}" style="white-space: nowrap; text-align: right;">
		<span class="lastpost smalltext">{$lastpostdate} {$lastposttime}<br />
		<a href="{$thread['lastpostlink']}">{$lang->lastpost}</a>: {$lastposterlink}</span>

I suggest to leave the "Message language string" is empty. Look ugly to me.
And better change default 100 chars message into 200
After install this plugins, just point your mouse into thread icon image

I am not PHP coder, just modifying existing mod
ENjoy Wink

100 chars message limit

200 chars message limit

small image preview inside thread

big image preview

Attached Files
.php   pcssp.php (Size: 7.92 KB / Downloads: 232)
Hello, Welcome to MyBB Indonesia to get local support
My 'Simple' Unique Plugin here Smile
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Thanks very much for your work! Now I can test it out and see if it will benefit my site. I wonder if anyone can enhance it further, so there is no need to manually edit template(s)? This part of the mod may scare some away.
Not Solved
Yes, Anyone should enhanced this nice mod.
There is another plugins like this before, but had issue increase SQL query load on big forum.

Like I said before, use your own risk.
Now, We're happy Wink
Hello, Welcome to MyBB Indonesia to get local support
My 'Simple' Unique Plugin here Smile
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very nice fbi..could you make it so it displays a tooltip when you mouse over the actual thread title and not the icon? if you hover over the icon too long, it'll no new post, new post, etc.
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You can playing with <div class="inline"> above, but it will conflict with built-in $inline_edit_class (nice MyBB thread subject renamer) Smile
Hello, Welcome to MyBB Indonesia to get local support
My 'Simple' Unique Plugin here Smile
Not Solved
(2010-08-22, 07:17 AM)Shemo Wrote: very nice fbi..could you make it so it displays a tooltip when you mouse over the actual thread title and not the icon? if you hover over the icon too long, it'll no new post, new post, etc.

this is your request Smile
Hello, Welcome to MyBB Indonesia to get local support
My 'Simple' Unique Plugin here Smile

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