MyBB 1.4.6
Pages: 1 2
- [F] change permission for admin user (8 Replies)
- [F] Birthday without day [C-StefanT] (11 Replies)
- [F] Archive - SQL bug fetching attachments/posts with abandoned thread [C-StefanT] (5 Replies)
- [F] Search Bug w/ "and" [R] [C-StefanT] (15 Replies)
- [F] [Typo] class_moderation.php (1.4.?) [R] [C-StefanT] (12 Replies)
- [F] Syndication.php MySQL Error (Limit Option) [R] [C-StefanT] (2 Replies)
- [F] Plugins with Admin CP Hooks run on Plugin Updates page (7 Replies)
- [F] Notification about new PM from MyBB Engine [R] [C-StefanT] (5 Replies)
- [F] Merged Account Reputation Issue (9 Replies)
- [F] Validation Issue [C-Chris W B.] (1 Reply)
- [F] Ability to delete templates [C-Chris W B.] (5 Replies)
- [F] Akismet plugin username link problem [C-StefanT] (2 Replies)
- [F] Missing </tr> in Template modcp_ipsearch_result [R] [C-Michael S.] (1 Reply)
- [F] Missing space character [R] [C-Michael S.] (2 Replies)
- [F] Find user posts - not displaying new posts (when hitting limit) [R] (11 Replies)
- [F] editpost.php issue with closed forums [R] (30 Replies)
- [F] Notification about new reported posts via PM [C-StefanT] (9 Replies)
- [F] Template problem with announcements and no threads [C-StefanT] (1 Reply)
- [F] canviewthreads error problem [C-StefanT] (39 Replies)
- [F] [pgsql] Reporting posts in unmoderated forums [C-StefanT] (3 Replies)
Pages: 1 2