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Full Version: Necroposting is acceptable in certain circumstances
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There have been a few threads brought back to life through necroposting and seen the "stop necroposting" type replies.

Necroposting is acceptable when adding new, fresh and updated content to an existing thread, regardless of whether or not the OP is still around or is still having issues.

Everyone wants everyone else to search first, so why not update an old/existing thread that could help the next person that comes across the thread, the same way the necroposter has?

Now, I am by no means asking or condoning folks reply with junk posts or "me too/I have the same problem" posts without offering up NEW info about it, but I am all for helpful info being added, regardless of how old the thread is.

So go ahead and necropost, as long as its useful

I find it funny how sometimes the same people who say "Wow, nice bump." also say "There's thousands of threads on this, just search." You can't win either way.
I agree. And double thumbs up to pyridine's post. Toungue

They should most definitely create a new thread if they have the same issue though, at least in my opinion.
I havent been to the forum in awhile and was doing a search today (Having a terrible problem with spam sign ups) and I wound up here as a result of someone adding some new info to an old post.
(2011-08-16, 05:21 PM)faviouz Wrote: [ -> ]I agree. And double thumbs up to pyridine's post. Toungue

They should most definitely create a new thread if they have the same issue though, at least in my opinion.

the same issue with the same version of the software is not a reason for a new thread though. the thread still goes to the top and tiny variations of the problem and/or solutions being in one place helps out everyone.

now if it goes off on a tangent, then the mods should split the thread
That's always been my policy, I have no problem with necroposting as long as it contributes.

On my forum(s) that is.
I think those who get upset about necroposting and doing so for silly reasons. A threads age should not matter if the additional post adds to the discussion.
(2011-08-16, 05:12 PM)pavemen Wrote: [ -> ]There have been a few threads brought back to life through necroposting and seen the "stop necroposting" type replies.

Can you give any specific examples where this has happened? Officially our stance is "No bumping old threads (necroposting) without good reason" which is a bit vague but in my opinion a "good reason" is any situation where either of the following is not the case, assuming your reply isn't spam or off-topic:
  • The topic died because of lack of interest and it is unlikely that there is a significant increase in interest since then.
  • There have been significant changes changes in the topic of discussion, so old points may no-longer be relevant and therefore users reading the thread and not realizing the posts are old might get the wrong impression.

One thing I have thought about is making dedicated threads for topics that commonly come up, for example one "Music thread" that people can just keep bringing up and adding to rather than having a new thread created every couple of months.
sent a PM to "protect the innocent"
(2011-08-16, 09:52 PM)labrocca Wrote: [ -> ]I think those who get upset about necroposting and doing so for silly reasons. A threads age should not matter if the additional post adds to the discussion.

True, but then there are the type of people who like to bump your old threads on HF, just to freak people out because they have titles like "New Ub3r Feature".
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