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Full Version: Whoops! Fatal MySQL Data Change = AdminCP Logins Failed
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Hi All,

I went to change the ID of the "Admin" usergroup in PhpMyAdmin to organize them properly, and after doing this I discovered I could not log in to the AdminCP. What's even worse is now I have changed it back, it still has no effect and I cannot log in. What has gone wrong? It's reverted so I shouldn't see an issue.

Thanks for any help,

It is really hard to say. Is that the only thing you have changed? You changed it back to 4, correct?

You can run these two queries to make sure it is correct & your account is set in the admin group:

UPDATE `mybb_usergroups` SET `gid` = '4' WHERE `title` = 'Administrators';
UPDATE `mybb_users` SET `usergroup` = '4' WHERE `uid` = '1';

Also, can you check to make sure this line is set to you in ./inc/config.php:

$config['super_admins'] = '1';

Hope this helps! Smile.
That doesn't work either ;[

I've even created a new user in the database and it's still not accepting me.
try below queries :
UPDATE `mybb_usergroups` SET `cancp` = '1' WHERE `gid` = '4'; 
DELETE FROM `mybb_datacache` WHERE `title` = 'usergroups'; 
If you could trust one of us with database and ACP access we could maybe help better.
It's clear to me this is a huge MyBB bug. I'll have to reinstall now. Thanks mybb! (Sarcasm)
^ hmm., may be someone from the support team should help with the issue as you
can't trust any other member here . OR re-install myBB though it might not help ..
You don't need to reinstall mybb. If you give someone access to phpmyadmin / admin cp, such as a support team member or trusted member, we can help you fix the error.

Also, you can't say this is a huge mybb bug because you changed the admin id, which really isn't meant to be changed.
(2011-08-19, 05:22 PM)groovybluedog Wrote: [ -> ]It's clear to me this is a huge MyBB bug. I'll have to reinstall now. Thanks mybb! (Sarcasm)

Don't blame the car if *you* drove it against the wall.
Don't change stuff from the DB unless you know what you're doing.
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