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Full Version: Can't log into new forum.
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I installed the newest version mybb yesterday and as of today I can't login. When i do so I get the screen saying that it's logging me in and then I'm taking to the main screen and I'm logged out. I can log into the acp however when I try to access anything I'm logged out. I'm not sure what I did to cause this.Undecided
Your cookie domain and directory are incorrect.

The domain is ""
The directory is "/~genera54/forum/"
Well when I installed it I was using a temporary link to access the site. Big mistake. Although I found out where to go within the database to change those I'm not sure what to put. Do you know?
, respectively.
Tried those and nothing.
You also need to edit inc/settings.php.
Ahhh it's working now. How do i know that everything is ok now?
I registered and sent my self a pm. Its working.
Go back into the ACP and make sure the settings are stll set correctly. That's all! Smile
(2011-10-20, 02:35 AM)townsbg Wrote: [ -> ]You also need to edit inc/settings.php.


I also have the same problem. I edited my board settings (in the ACP, cookie domain and directory) like the example but it still doesn't work. I'm trying to edit settings.php but have no idea what to edit. Any help?


$settings['load'] = "0";
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$settings['g33k_itsmybirthday_method'] = "mail";
$settings['g33k_itsmybirthday_message'] = "Its been {age} years!!! Happy Birthday {username} on your {age_nth} birthday today! Enjoy! ;)[noage]So, we hear its your birthday today! Happy Birthday {username} on your birthday! :D[/noage]

[thread]To celebrate your birthday, we have opened a thread for you on our forums. You can visit the thread by clicking on the link below.
{thread_url}[/thread][post]To celebrate your birthday, we have added a birthday post in a thread on the forums. You can view the post upon visiting the thread by clicking on the link below.


~ {bbname} Staff ~
$settings['g33k_itsmybirthday_subject'] = "Happy Birthday {username} on your {age_nth} Birthday! [noage]Happy Birthday {username}![/noage]";
$settings['mailingaddress'] = "";
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$settings['g33k_itsmybirthday_random_quotes'] = "And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years.
Your birthday is a special time to celebrate the gift of 'you' to the world.
If there's something that you're dreaming of then may it all come true, because you deserve it all...HAPPY BIRTHDAY.
Hope your Birthday gently breezes into your life all the choicest of things and all that your heart holds dear Have A Fun- Filled Day.
A birthday is just the first day of another 365-day journey around the sun.  Enjoy the trip.
They say that age is all in your mind.  The trick is keeping it from creeping down into your body.
Pleas'd look forward, pleas'd to look behind,
And count each birthday with a grateful mind. - Alexander Pope
Whatever with the past has gone,
The best is always yet to come. - Lucy Larcom
Birthdays are good for you. Statistics show that the people who have the most live the longest. -Reverend Larry Lorenzoni
Inside every older person is a younger person ";
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$settings['g33k_itsmybirthday_thread_post_single_text'] = "Its a special day for the following users today. Happy Birthday to them all!
[list]Happy {age_nth} Birthday to {username}![noage]Happy Birthday {username}![/noage]



~ {bbname} Staff ~
$settings['g33k_itsmybirthday_thread_post_single_subject'] = "Happy Birthday to these {bdaynum} users!";
$settings['secure_smtp'] = "0";
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$settings['g33k_thankyoulike_thankslike'] = "thanks";
$settings['g33k_thankyoulike_collapsible'] = "1";
$settings['thousandssep'] = ",";
$settings['g33k_itsmybirthday_thread_post_text'] = "Its been {age} years!!! Happy Birthday {username} on your {age_nth} birthday today! Enjoy! ;)[noage]So, we hear its your birthday today! Happy Birthday {username} on your birthday! :D[/noage]


~ {bbname} Staff ~
$settings['g33k_itsmybirthday_thread_post_iid'] = "21";
$settings['g33k_itsmybirthday_thread_post_uid'] = "1";
$settings['g33k_itsmybirthday_thread_post_subject'] = "Happy Birthday {username} on your {age_nth} Birthday! [noage]Happy Birthday {username}![/noage]";
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