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Full Version: Were we just DDoS'ed?
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I don't think this was DDOS anyhow.
(2011-11-23, 09:18 PM)pyridine Wrote: [ -> ]This thread was made on the 11th.

and this morning the site was unaccessible via http, though it was ping-able, for several hours
Chris mentioned having problems with the server, not a DDoS.
I haven't been able to get on all day.
(2011-11-23, 11:32 PM)david42 Wrote: [ -> ]I haven't been able to get on all day.

Me neither, though at one point I could access the rest of the site but not the forum.
(2011-11-23, 11:01 PM)Tomm M Wrote: [ -> ]Chris mentioned having problems with the server, not a DDoS.

(2011-11-23, 11:32 PM)david42 Wrote: [ -> ]I haven't been able to get on all day.

(2011-11-23, 11:39 PM)pokomo Wrote: [ -> ]
(2011-11-23, 11:32 PM)david42 Wrote: [ -> ]I haven't been able to get on all day.

Me neither, though at one point I could access the rest of the site but not the forum.

I know it was

But attackers can still attack twice

Ps: Spoke with Mybb on FB they said it was server Maintenace
Pages: 1 2