MyBB Community Forums

Full Version: Default Footer Template Code
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I recently just viewed my forum after a night out with a few friends and i've noticed that the footer of my forum has been completely removed.

I checked the footer template file and this is the only code it displays:

<br />
			<div class="bottommenu">
				<div class="float_right">{$lang_select}</div>
					<span class="smalltext"><a href="{$mybb->settings['contactlink']}">{$lang->bottomlinks_contactus}</a> | <a href="{$mybb->settings['homeurl']}">{$mybb->settings['homename']}</a> | <a href="#top">{$lang->bottomlinks_returntop}</a> | <a href="#content">{$lang->bottomlinks_returncontent}</a> | <a href="<archive_url>">{$lang->bottomlinks_litemode}</a> | <a href="{$mybb->settings['bburl']}/misc.php?action=syndication">{$lang->bottomlinks_syndication}</a></span>
				</div><a href="">Ban List</a>

I am not sure why alot of the code has been removed but ill look into it. In the mean while does anyone have the default code so i could replace my footer back to normal?

Thanks alot.
If you had made no changes to that template, you could just revert it back it it's original in the ACP, under templates.