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Full Version: Releasing themes without submitting to mod site
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(2011-12-20, 01:09 AM)Tom K. Wrote: [ -> ]The main problem is if your site goes down, people complain here that the links aren't working, and complain at the MyBB staff. It is better to upload them to our mods site to enable people to reach them regardless of the status of your site.
OK. So best way is to release things in mods site.
But I want to to attract users to my forum.
I think it is better to (for plugins) to release 2 versions: lite and pro. For pro version support will be provided in my forum only. Is an alternative...

You can add your website in many places (mod db, license page, preview page, release thread).

Just don't create a release thread and give support only at your site, or ignore thread support posts.
Just put a link to your website in the description saying "Download the most upto date version of this theme with support and more here" People will do it.
(2011-12-19, 07:16 PM)MattRogowski Wrote: [ -> ]Just put them on here and your site as well?? If you plan to check here anyway then I'm not sure what the problem is.

It's just a preference I guess. I am not saying I will not do it. I am considering
it, highly.

(2011-12-20, 01:09 AM)Tom K. Wrote: [ -> ]The main problem is if your site goes down, people complain here that the links aren't working, and complain at the MyBB staff. It is better to upload them to our mods site to enable people to reach them regardless of the status of your site.

Completely understandble. Great point.

(2011-12-20, 04:36 AM)Omar G. Wrote: [ -> ]You can add your website in many places (mod db, license page, preview page, release thread).

Just don't create a release thread and give support only at your site, or ignore thread support posts.

This is not about threads. I wanted to have a thread here and offer full support in the thread and via personal messages. I just didn't want to HAVE TO have it on the mod site.

Thats the problem we used to have before the rule was introduced. People would post a thread, and link the download to their own site. Then they would close down their site for a variety of reasons, but the thread still remained. We ended up with dozens of threads with broken links. By forcing the download to be on the mods site, we can be sure the download links wont go down Smile
What's your actual reasoning for not wanting to have it uploaded in another location?? In what way does it detriment you??
(2011-12-20, 01:25 PM)Tom K. Wrote: [ -> ]Thats the problem we used to have before the rule was introduced. People would post a thread, and link the download to their own site. Then they would close down their site for a variety of reasons, but the thread still remained. We ended up with dozens of threads with broken links. By forcing the download to be on the mods site, we can be sure the download links wont go down Smile

Unless someone deletes the theme/plugin from the mod site? :p
(2011-12-20, 09:18 PM)Booher Wrote: [ -> ]Unless someone deletes the theme/plugin from the mod site? :p
I do not think this will ever happen without a very good reason.

I will be releasing them here now. As in on the mod site.
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