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Full Version: A "View New Posts" for each subforum???
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I've 12 forums in 3 categiries. I've remove the main index.php! and set sub-domain on each forum. users should use sub-domains to access their goal forum.
=> I'm willing to grant independence to every sub-domains(=each forum), so it's necessary to "View New Posts" button works separate for each forum! it means for my first forum of the 2nd category, when users click on View New Posts, the result should be related to that forum, not for the whole forum! How can I do it?

[Image: 00b5tfxrpt8bf2jg0b6.png]

A point: "View New Posts" for <Forum 1> should work on its subforums!
My aim: granting completely independence to each forum, I'll gather sub-domain into another CMS! -> It needs:
1. Exclusive act for "View New Posts" on each forum!
2. login facility from another CMS:
3. (Idea & Ideal!) Bridging 2 Mybb: -> escaping from: <Exclusive operating for "View New Posts">
you can use code similar to below on forumdisplay template (can be above {$threadslist} )
<a href="search.php?action=getnew&fid={$fid}">new posts</a>
(2012-02-12, 12:10 PM)ranjani Wrote: [ -> ]you can use code similar to below on forumdisplay template (can be above {$threadslist} )
<a href="search.php?action=getnew&fid={$fid}">new posts</a>
If I add the code, does it works on a forum completely?
Category 1 => Forum 1 & Forum 2 & Forum 3
Forum 1 => sub-forum 1, sub-forum 2, sub-forum 3, sub-forum 4 ,...
"View New Posts" link/button on Forum 1 should work the same as sub-forums of "Forum 1", but its act should be different on Forum 2. On "Forum 2" or sub-forums of "Forum 2", when users click it, "new posts" of Forum 2 should be listed!

I tested your clue on mybb 1.6.6 (installed on localhost). the result is 50%-5o% Smile Sad !
(2012-02-12, 12:10 PM)ranjani Wrote: [ -> ]<a href="search.php?action=getnew&fid={$fid}">new posts</a>
I add the above code into:

It works -> A New post link which searchs within the forum is added. It just search one forum identified by "fid"
It doesn't Work -> The search action do not cover sub-forums and worse, in a category, it doesn't work:
Sorry, but no results were returned using the query information you provided. Please redefine your search terms and try again.
Can anyone improve the above method (or introduce a new way)?
1. Right response in categories
2. Right response for forums with its sub-forums

Any help will be welcome Smile
ranjani Wrote:
<a href="search.php?action=getnew&fid={$fid}">new posts</a>
After adding the code, it doesn't work well!
You can see the result in attached pictures.
It seems this request can be solved! please share your idea Smile to find the method.
Bumping again Sad
Pages: 1 2