my site
www.indiachatforum.net is utilizing very high CPU because of which my hosting account is on hold now, I asked the solution to them and they are telling me to clear all the old posts which will reduce the server load. I am particularly not interested in deleting any post.
I am using 1.6.4 V of MyBB
My site has over 100,000 posts.
Kindly guide me for resolving this issue.
How much plugins are installed ?
Quite a lot
I was afraid you would as that.
Let me list it for you.
NoFollow Website Links
Add Spiders
Advanced Quick Reply Form (1.0.3)
Ajax PM Notification (1.8.1)
Automatic Website Removal (1.0)
Awards (2.0)
ezGallery Lite (1.0.8)
Facebook Like Button (1.0)
Forum Spy (0.6)
Game Section (1.2.1)
Google Analytics (1.5)
Google SEO (1.6.3)
Hello PluginLibrary! (hello_pl.php)
Hide Links to Guests (1.0)
User IP Log (1.1)
Its My Birthday! (2.2)
Limit number of PMs (2.0.2)
Limit number of Threads (2.0.1)
Min. Posts For Vote and Signatures (0.1)
Miss You Email (1.0.0)
MyMood (1.0 Beta)
Multiple reputations (2.0)
My Ad Manager (1.1.5)
My Youtube (1.3)
My Advertisements (1.9.1)
MyShoutbox (1.4)
MyTheme (2.0)
Nofollow Signatures & Member Websites (1.1)
No Links Allowed (0.1)
No ALL-CAPS in Posts/PMs (1.02)
Overview (3.9.2)
PostAd(lite) (1.1.0)
Profile Buddies (1.4.1)
Profile Comments (0.6.0)
Profile Views (1.2)
ProStats (1.7.6)
reCAPTCHA Plugin (1.4)
Reputation Power (1.0)
Restricted private messages (2.0)
Referral in Profile (1.1)
Sitemap Generator (1.4.0RC2)
Tapatalk (2.0.0)
Thank You/Like System (1.5)
Thread Count Pro (1.1)
Trash Can Forum (2.0)
Username Style (1.0.4)
Apart from these there are around 5 plugins but not activated.
That is way too many plugins, uninstall anything you don't really need. If you upgrade to MyBB 1.6.5 you can use the built-in reCAPTCHA option in MyBB settings instead of a plugin, add the Google Analytics code by editing the headerinclude template, etc.
Disable this: Ajax PM Notification
does non-activated plugins too count for server load ?
I have just deactivated many of the plugins now but not removed from ther server
Actually the plugin I mentioned above has been evaluated many times as a main cause of server load. IMO all other plugins are not weighty as much as that of that plugin.
(2012-02-22, 01:59 PM)Emperor Wrote: [ -> ]does non-activated plugins too count for server load ?
I have just deactivated many of the plugins now but not removed from ther server
No, but if you're not planning on using those plugins again then it's best to remove them anyways for security reasons. Also make sure you use the uninstall option for any plugins that have it after deactivating them too.
Sure thanks,
now apart from plugin anything else to do ?
Disable some of the useless options such as the forum jump menu and the navigation drop-down. Both can be disabled from the settings.