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Full Version: Clear Cookies Link
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I have a help document set up called "Use of Cookies in MyBB". It is help document3 and the clear cookies link does not work.

If I view the site as either a user or guest and click the link then I get an error message
Quote:You could not be verified to clear cookies. This may have been because a malicious Javascript was attempting to clear your cookies automatically. If you intended to clear your cookies, please view the "Use of Cookies on MyBB" help document.

Link to my document.
I see. So what does this mean? That we cannot edit hid3? I use the standard English language, no translations in the board.

I see the SQA and target version are crossed out but the issue remains open. So will there be a fix?
For now you'll need to run this in phpMyAdmin after editing:
UPDATE `mybb_helpdocs` SET `usetranslation` = '1' WHERE `hid` = '3' 
Well, that fixes the cookie link - it also reverts the contents of the page. I already followed through the links in the issues, found this post ( and tried that you see.... I am going to try changing the language file and THEN running that fix.

Thank you.

The edit of the language file and then changing the use translation worked. Thank you.