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Full Version: Nazi Hackers Attacked my forum
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my website is if anyone wants to check it out. Im uploading a mybb backup so if anyone sees a hack and knows how to prevent it please tell me

After reinstalling syndication.php is broken. IDK why I'm getting such badly attacking by these guys.
Seems you are on shared hosting. They hackers might have attacked the fellow vulnerable sites on your server and they came at you. Or either your machine is infected. And when they hacked your forum for first, it's possible that they left shells at many places. You might want to check single directory very carefully with that of MyBB's original files. Heck, why you even ran that index.exe ? Hmm.

What version of MyBB you are upon?
never ran it, i deleted it off the webdisk instantly.
After UGNazi Defaced Mybb all little wannabee try to be popular here,UGNazi are not hack your site becouse you are microb and not interested for any purpose to hack your site,,i recomended to ban users like this one.
After I banned him he banned my forum account...
Okay, ask your host if they can shut off web access and bind access to only your IP address. This should stop them, but if it doesn't, it means they've planted a file in your hosting account somewhere.
I sense a troll within this thread.
I was hacked by them as well about two weeks ago. As well as MyBB. Just talk to them as adults over aim, and you guys will work something out. They are actually pretty understanding for hackers. If you come at them with disrespect though, you may never see your stuff again. That is if you are talking about the same people I am talking about,

Also if you downloaded "index.exe" you are now either infected, or ratted. Be careful what you write on your computer until you get it removed. .exe is a program not anything related to your forum guaranteed.
Yup, I'd be making sure it wasn't my computer that's been infected with something. Keyloggers are horrible.

Contact your host and see if they can provide any insight into how they're getting access and whether it's through FTP/phpMyAdmin or MyBB itself.
i never dl'ed it i deleted it off ftp instantly
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