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Full Version: Check if IP is banned ?
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Cheers Frank

I'm now using this:

$query = $db->write_query('SELECT filter FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX. 'banfilters');
        while($result = $db->fetch_array($query))
                $res .= $result['filter']."<br/>";
                if ($ip == $res)
                        echo "<div style='width:956px; height:20px; background:#FF0000; margin:auto auto;'><strong>Banned! :-(</strong></div>";
                        echo "<div style='width:956px; height:20px; background:#00FF00; margin:auto auto;'><strong>Not Banned! :-D</strong></div>";

But it's still returning false, even if I'm banned.

Thanks Smile
Try this;

$query = $db->write_query('SELECT filter FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX. 'banfilters');
        while($result = $db->fetch_array($query))
                if ($ip == $result['filter'])
                        echo "<div style='width:956px; height:20px; background:#FF0000; margin:auto auto;'><strong>Banned! :-(</strong></div>";
                        echo "<div style='width:956px; height:20px; background:#00FF00; margin:auto auto;'><strong>Not Banned! :-D</strong></div>";
Cheers Yaldaram

It now shows I'm banned when I've banned my IP (which is correct), however when I unban myself, it doesn't return "Not Banned! :-D"

Thanks again! Smile
Actually this might work better:


$check = $db->query("SELECT filter FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."banfilters WHERE filter='{$ip}'");
	if(mysql_num_rows($check) != 0)
				echo "<div style='width:956px; height:20px; background:#FF0000; margin:auto auto;'><strong>Banned! :-(</strong></div>";
                echo "<div style='width:956px; height:20px; background:#00FF00; margin:auto auto;'><strong>Not Banned! :-D</strong></div>";
Replace all code with this, its clean and tested;
$query = $db->query("SELECT `filter` FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."banfilters WHERE filter='{$ip}'");
$result = $db->fetch_field($query, "filter");

if ($result)
	error("Your IP is banned.");
	error("Its fine.");

Edit: Haven't seen Frank's post. I think his code will work too.
Cheers - seems to work perfectly! Smile

One more question:

I'm using a script to help deter proxy servers which looks like this:

// Function to get the client ip address
if (!empty($_SERVER["HTTP_CLIENT_IP"]))
 //check for ip from share internet
elseif (!empty($_SERVER["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"]))
 // Check for the Proxy User

However when I try echo $ip when not using a proxy, it echoes my IP correctly. However, when I try echo $ip when using a proxy server, it's formatted like this:

realip, proxyip

How could I remove the proxy IP from that?

Thanks Smile

Cheers Smile
Try This:


	if (empty($x)) 
			echo "Not Using Proxy. Your IP address is: $y";
			echo "Using Proxy. Your Proxy IP is $y. Your real IP address is: $x";
Thanks Frank

It's telling me I'm using a proxy (which is the same ip as my real one) even when I'm not Toungue

Thanks Smile
Try this:


    if (!$x) 
            echo "Not Using Proxy. Your IP address is: $y";
            echo "Using Proxy. Your Proxy IP is $y. Your real IP address is: $x";
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