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Full Version: Check if IP is banned ?
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Cheers for the reply

I'm still getting: Using Proxy. Your Proxy IP is (my real ip). Your real IP address is: (my real ip)

Thanks again! Smile
Try this then:


    if (!$x) 
            echo "Not Using Proxy. Your IP address is: $y";

            echo "Using Proxy. Your Proxy IP is $x. Your real IP address is: $y";
Cheers for the reply

It's not displaying anything now though

Thanks again Smile
Jeez...3 pages and no one mentions the cache.

Wasteful to run a query if something is in cache.
(2012-08-08, 09:00 PM)labrocca Wrote: [ -> ]Jeez...3 pages and no one mentions the cache.

Wasteful to run a query if something is in cache.
Because the discussion turned into check if proxy or not.
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