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Full Version: Too many cloudflare error screen today
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Personally I'm surprised to see so little outage after the hurricane. I expected it to affect a lot more sites and services but instead, everything seems to be more or less working fine.
I see I completely forget to consider what Andreas mentioned.
Some of this could be related to hurricane Sandy. There's quite a few major datacenters down in the New York area right now. One of those datacenters I heard was on the internet backbone, which is affecting routing between the United States and overseas internet connections, so if you're trying to connect from Europe or something like that your connection might be slower or re-routed around the downed areas on the east coast.
(1970-01-02, 01:32 PM)BMR777[undefined=undefined' Wrote: [ -> ]2217']
Some of this could be related to hurricane Sandy. There's quite a few major datacenters down in the New York area right now. One of those datacenters I heard was on the internet backbone, which is affecting routing between the United States and overseas internet connections, so if you're trying to connect from Europe or something like that your connection might be slower or re-routed around the downed areas on the east coast.

YepSmile A lot of people don't factor this in.

We're not really having any widespread system issues at this time (there was a few minute issue in Frankfurt this morning).

Note: I would like to remind people that they need to make sure CloudFlare's IPs are whitelisted to prevent issues. Our IPs:
internap in NY is evacuating their facility...
(2012-10-30, 06:36 PM)BMR777 Wrote: [ -> ]Some of this could be related to hurricane Sandy. There's quite a few major datacenters down in the New York area right now. One of those datacenters I heard was on the internet backbone, which is affecting routing between the United States and overseas internet connections, so if you're trying to connect from Europe or something like that your connection might be slower or re-routed around the downed areas on the east coast.

I'd dare say not. I have had no problems accessing the site *at all*
It might be an issue with our origin server. It's US based so the hurricane might be affecting our datacenter. CloudFlare only handles the DNS.
Just throwing my name in the hat too, it's happened to me multiple times today.
I was fine until about ~2 hours ago. I've had the Cloudflare page come up around 8 times now.

And this, yes:

(2012-10-31, 12:06 AM)Nathan Malcolm Wrote: [ -> ]It might be an issue with our origin server. It's US based so the hurricane might be affecting our datacenter. CloudFlare only handles the DNS.
I had it several times yesterday but today I have not had it once till now.
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