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Full Version: Too many cloudflare error screen today
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Same here, no issues today.
Went in this thread to say it has been relatively okay today, then ironically I got the error again:
I've been getting loads over the last half hour Toungue
(2012-10-31, 10:33 PM)Anxiety Wrote: [ -> ]Went in this thread to say it has been relatively okay today, then ironically I got the error again:

Just wanted to say that. Everything was fine all day, but error just arrived few moments ago.
It seems that it errors out more often when trying to access last post. Most annoying Big Grin
I dont know if this is related to the current cloudflare issues. But lately i have been noticing more and more loading in issues. In the form of that spacing still is happening after the page has loaded. That sometimes the solved message simply appears instead of the little icon.
Or even whole avatars not loading, the editor taking ages to load in (on new thread/ new reply / edit post) etc.

Is this related to those issues or something else?
Damn! I'm viewing 502 Bad Gateway page now..
I'm getting intermittent CloudFlare errors now too.
Well, Nothing has happened to me yet so that's a plus Toungue
It's probley because of hurricane sandy.
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