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Full Version: Can't log in or out?
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I can't log in, and when I try to log out it doesn't do anything? Any ideas?

sorry the link is
make sure ur cookie path is correct
What are your cookie settings from config.php?
how do I find out what my cookie path should be right now it's /forum/
/forum/ is correct. can u possibly give me a admincp test account or can you not log into that either?
$settings['cookiedomain'] = "";
$settings['cookiepath'] = "/forum/";
$settings['cookieprefix'] = "";

uhg can't login in to admin cp either..
Check the permissions for inc/settings.php. It should be set to 666.
almost everything is set to 604 but I changed settings.php to 666 and it's still not working..
Have you tried clearing caches and cookies in your browser?
yeah still not working..
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