(2012-12-27, 01:26 AM)maniacmusic Wrote: [ -> ] (2012-12-26, 07:40 PM)euantor Wrote: [ -> ]To be honest, this wouldn't even be that hard to provide an activity feed of the core functions. It would just a few queries. Pretty simple stuff.
How about you picking this up as your second 'killer' plugin project? :3
Goes pretty well along MyAlerts.
I might well do, but not just now as I'm busy with other stuff. Possiblt in the new year I will.
(2012-12-27, 09:39 AM)euantor Wrote: [ -> ]I might well do, but not just now as I'm busy with other stuff. Possiblt in the new year I will.
Would that be a complete (new) solution or building up on MyNetwork?
I'm not sure. I don't know if Tomm accepts the addition of modules to MyNetwork by other developers - I'd have to talk to him about that.
I might just do that once I get some free time as well. It's pretty easy to provide a user's activity feed actually.
Wow, would be awesome. My MyBB dreams are coming true.
I could do this in about an hour I think. It really would be that simple if I understand the concept correctly. Obviously it would also have to be extensible so other plugins could add to the feed (such as post liking plugins, profile comment plugins etc) and that would only really be the difficult part IMO.
Honestly, If I'll code, I'll leave the integration stuff. There is too much that can be displayed already by default. And this shouldn't be more PITA. Liking posts, could sound fair, but profile comments, etc, people can see it so it shouldn't alert something twice. Although that's just my views.
Yeah, I think an "activity feed" of key moments is enough. There's no point of profile comments etc. on a site that hasn't reached critical mass, hundreds of thousands of users at least.
True, though I definitely think it would be nice to have the option there for people who may want it.
(2012-12-27, 02:01 PM)crazy4cs Wrote: [ -> ]I might just do that once I get some free time as well. It's pretty easy to provide a user's activity feed actually.
I'm not talking about a news feed of someones activity. I'm talking about a global activity feed of all users.
Have a look at this example of my desired news feed:
John Doe created thread XYZ in forum XYZ.
Peter Griffin replied to thread XYZ in forum XYZ.
Sylvester Stallone gave +3 Reputation points to Peter Griffin.
John Doe rated thread XYZ with 5 stars.
Homer Simpson updated his profile.
--Sex: Male.
Homer Simpson and Peter Griffin are now friends.
John Doe: Hi guys. Check out this video! (Embedded youtube video)
--(Comment) Peter Griffin: Hey John! Nice vid.
--(Comment) Homer Simpson: Hello guys.
I think it would be a good idea to include this in the portal.php to actually make use of it. I think like 0.5% of mybb users actively use the (default) portal page, right?