2013-01-02, 04:07 PM
2013-01-02, 05:46 PM
(2013-01-02, 03:26 PM)brad-t Wrote: [ -> ]I dunno, can't help but feel everyone is missing the point, which is not to make a Facebook clone but to increase social engagement on your forum. Sites like Facebook work because you keep your personal friends etc. on there, but forums are based around an interest, NOT around social groups.That's true, but once the forum is working people tend to socialize. At least thats what happens in my forum. They want to talk with people about those common interests. They want plugins like shoutboxes and chats.
A wall is between the board and the chat, useful for comments less important than a post but more important than a chat message.
I'm talking about a MMORPG board, so yeah, it's normal that people tend to socialize, play together, talk via skype...
A social-oriented wall or a forum-oriented wall? It depends on the forum.
2013-01-02, 06:35 PM
I think a wall is good for every forum because it actually just is a extended status function. When I'd like to share a great new song I just discovered with this specific community, a status is perfect. I think most people wouldn't make a thread just to share a song...
So you might get engagement you wouldn't have gotten without the status wall.
So you might get engagement you wouldn't have gotten without the status wall.
2013-01-02, 06:38 PM
(2013-01-02, 06:35 PM)maniacmusic Wrote: [ -> ]I think a wall is good for every forum because it actually just is a extended status function. When I'd like to share a great new song I just discovered with this specific community, a status is perfect. I think most people wouldn't make a thread just to share a song...
So you might get engagement you wouldn't have gotten without the status wall.
2013-01-02, 06:43 PM
What is cooler? Having a little widget with album cover and player or a message that says "User X replied to Music sharing thread."?
2013-01-02, 07:36 PM
I think what's cooler is something that has to engage the entire community rather than a small circle of one's friends.
If your site is about sharing music ... then that's something else entirely.
If your site is about sharing music ... then that's something else entirely.
2013-01-02, 07:37 PM
(2013-01-02, 07:36 PM)brad-t Wrote: [ -> ]I think what's cooler is something that has to engage the entire community rather than a small circle of one's friends.
I have to completely agree here. When you are making a community you should be aiming to everyone, not just people you know.
2013-01-02, 07:41 PM
Who said it would be private?
If it's just a small community global sharing by default would be fine.
If it's just a small community global sharing by default would be fine.
2013-01-02, 08:01 PM
In that case, the global feed obviates the need of a forum in the first place.
2013-01-05, 04:10 AM
I think something as big as this would be better created as a fork of MyBB.