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Full Version: "Subscribe to this thread" error.
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I'm not sure I understand what the problem is? Did we somehow mess up our MyBB install?
No, you need to update your template.
Could you elaborate on the reason why I can't do that myself? I appreciate your patience by the way and hope you understand the reluctance I have with giving administrative access over our forums to a third party.
Of course you can but you need to see what the diff report is telling you and adjust it. Why not try?

I cannot help you any further without seeing the templates without investing far more time than I am willing to.
Ahh I understand. I will contact you by PM.
Thank you - the template is not the issue - I suspect it is cookies.

Please try again with the subscribe.
It's still happening.
can you clear the cookies please?
Sorry for the late reply.

How does one clear the cookies? Do you mean on my own browser, locally?
Yes, it is looking for a stored pass.

Can you check that you can perform moderation action as well? Something like approve a thread.
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