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Full Version: "Subscribe to this thread" error.
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Cleared all cookies and saved temp stuffs on Google Chrome, no cigar unfortunately. Same error.

I've been able to use moderation tools just fine (moving/deleting/locking/approving/etc.)
Ok, try it now - I have not actually looked at the live board, so I have not tested Toungue

The error was in the showthread template, not the forumdisplay.
Subscribing works, thanks!

One last little issue though, the link people get by e-mail to unsubscribe:

Unsubscription Information:

If you would not like to receive any more notifications of replies to this thread, visit the following URL in your browser:

Causes that error too.
of course - same fix needed, that will be in the language file. I will see if I can find it.
Many thanks!
Ok, I changed it, but it looked fine. So hmm. Have you tried subscribing newly (not sure how to say) and then unsubscribing?
No, I tried the link on an older e-mail a user has been getting.
Ok, perhaps test it. I am unsure if it will make a change. Sorry, not 100% sure how to fix that. It is a good point though and I shall remember it.
Okay, many thanks.

If the issue happens again, I'll make sure to report it.

Many thanks for the help Leefish. Smile
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