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While I agree about the IDs, I don't see a problem with descendants. I use them often rather than adding classes to every single element.
Quote:If you do a lot of CSS work, this can save you a ton of time.

IMHO if you're doing a lot of CSS work and require a lot of mixins then you're designing wrong. I try to completely avoid browser prefixes in my CSS.

Quote:That CSS is outdated, technically speaking.

That's the CSS output from LESS. LOL So if it's outdated then so is LESS. And imho always best to hand code as much as possible.

It's funny how the backend of web pages continues to change but I'll be honest I haven't seen anything on major websites that couldn't be designed and implemented using standards from 8 years ago. All this need to update the backend and complicate it doesn't imho give anything extra to the end-user visitor to your website. All these changes though do make web development more complicated requiring ever increasing knowledge to pull off. I feel like I'm becoming a dinosaur on the web lately. With standards just passing me by as I stick to my simple ways.
If you want to use many of the new CSS3 properties, you need to use vendor prefixes. Yes, there are a lot of new techniques that fix old problems that have already been solved. But they solve these problems in a more clean and friendly way. Would you rather we stuck to using spacer.gif and images to achieve rounded corners and shadows and such?

(No disrespect intended or anything. Just interested to hear this different perspective. Everybody I know in the industry is a fan of the progress and new technologies such as SASS, LESS etc).
I didn't say I NEVER use them but they are really only defined in a couple places.

And my point was that new techniques on the backend imho have not enhanced the front-end all that much.

I think it's ridiculous a site like Youtube has a 300k css file.

That's just out of hand.
Fair enough. I'll stick with my easy technologies though Smile
Did anything ever come of this? Are we ever likely to see LESS/SASS pre-processor support in the 1.8.x series?
Not likely in the 1.x series as it would be a major (possibly breaking for some plugins) change. SASS will be supported in 2.0 (and is in fact used for the core style - see:
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