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Full Version: How do I change this.
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Hello, I am new in making Forums, and I am just wondering how I edit this

one more thing, how do I change the theme of my Forum? I just downloaded some themes and I don't know how to install them to my Forum.


Skychat Forum Admin
see this theme installation guidance

you can replace logo.gif image with your own image in images folder of MyBB files server
Thanks, btw How do I put website under maintenance with reason?

I might need some help. This appears while changing my theme MyBB could not find the theme with the file you uploaded. Please check the file is the correct and is not corrupt.
^ by any chance, are you using the zip file to import for theme installation ?
Yes compressed (zipped) folder
That is where the problem lies, then.

You must decompress the folder somewhere on your local machine and then transfer the image directory to your forum. Then import the XML file in the package to retrieve the style info and templates.
and let me suggest to see theme installation guidance once again
I followed that theme installation guidance. here are my compressed files

Can someone uncompress it for me

^ your computer operating system should be having un-compression zip files facility
Where can I find it?
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