1 point 8 theme installed and modified a little to change colour to green/dark green, otherwise untouched.
Works fine on Chrome on both Windows and Ubuntu, works fine on Firefox on Windows but not on Firefox on Ubuntu.
Seems to have problems interpreting the <i class="fa fa-gavel fa-fw" original-title=""></i> and other <i> .... </i> coding - this is what I get.
Is this a Firefox problem or coding in the theme?
Whats this bit for? original-title=" that isn't in my theme on my font awesome classes.
Known issue with using fonts for images. I know that on firefox it happens if you have the NoScript plugin, also on IE 7/8 if you have ActiveX controls turned on.
I dont use Ubuntu, so I cant help further, but it will be something on your end in settings.
@iAndrew - isnt that original title the thing added by the tipsy.js to hide the original title?
Wow - thanks for the rapid response - I'll go hunt in the settings - not a problem for me but just testing for all possible user setups
(2014-12-11, 03:34 PM)Leefish Wrote: [ -> ]@iAndrew - isnt that original title the thing added by the tipsy.js to hide the original title?
Hmm i didn't realize it adds that to font awesome icons. I do have tipsy in 1.8 so could be.
Someone posted on that github saying it's It's adblock's fault?
Yea, its NOT your theme Andrew. Its a known thing
I am considering swapping to SVG but arg for the IE8 fallback to png
see also
this issue on GitHub
adding below content into
.htaccess file might help
<FilesMatch ".(ttf|otf|woff)$">
Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*"
(2014-12-11, 04:03 PM).m. Wrote: [ -> ]see also this issue on GitHub
adding below content into .htaccess file might help
<FilesMatch ".(ttf|otf|woff)$">
Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*"
No - that makes no difference.
Where in the theme/css is the link to the Font awesome site - it may need an absolute address if it isn't already?
^ the links should be in the
headerinclude template (
ungrouped templates set) of the theme
could be:
btw, are you using
noscript addon - if so you have to allow scripts from the font origin site(s)