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Full Version: game/arcade section, where?
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Forgive me if this has been answered. I've read about this ibProArcade, played some games on fellow Mybbers but, for the life of me where and how do I add this to myBB 1.2.2? Is there a definitive download/plugin to have a game section?


There is a Game Section made by Paretje which can be downloaded here. The ibProArcade is being built by Massacre and I don't think it has been released yet.
Where do you get the games at?
Thanks, for the fast replies. One more, where in "INC/LANGUAGES/ENGLISH/GLOBAL.LANG.PHP" are you supposed to put

include "games.lang.php";
Have you tried reading the installation file that comes with it, usually it would go before the "?>" but I'm not too sure, it should say with the readme Smile.
include "games.lang.php";
clocktower Wrote:
include "games.lang.php";

it should be:

include "games.lang.php";
include "games.lang.php";
 * MyBB 1.2 English Language Pack
 * Copyright © 2006 MyBB Group, All Rights Reserved
 * $Id: global.lang.php 2186 2006-09-02 13:31:22Z chris $

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so is mine wrong then global.lang.php
Tikitiki Wrote:
clocktower Wrote:
include "games.lang.php";

it should be:

include "games.lang.php";

Crap, I add
include "games.lang.php";
in the wrong spot. Prior to adding the code my forum worked fine. After, adding the code my forum isn't viewable. I thought, I could just remove the code, but forum still dead. Just a blank page using Firefox. However, using IE7 forum is viewed fine. Any ideas?
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