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Full Version: Problems trying to add onclick on submit button with generate_submit_button method
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I'm developing some custom stuff at ACP and I can't add an "onclick" ettiquete over the HTML of the button.

$buttons[] = $form->generate_submit_button("Submit",array('onclick' => "return confirm('Are you sure?');"));

But the onclick just doesn't get print. I've also trying adding a simple "name" but it didn't work too.
you can't use a submit input, try with a button input or with a simple button and after confirm post the form with jQuery
I've found the source code of the generate_submit_button code, and onclick should work!!! But it doesn't

	function generate_submit_button($value, $options=array())
		$input = "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"".htmlspecialchars_uni($value)."\"";

			$input .= " class=\"submit_button ".$options['class']."\"";
			$input .= " class=\"submit_button\"";
			$input .= " id=\"".$options['id']."\"";
			$input .= " name=\"".$options['name']."\"";
			$input .= " disabled=\"disabled\"";
			$input .= " onclick=\"".str_replace('"', '\"', $options['onclick'])."\"";
		$input .= " />";
		return $input;


I've found the solution. The problem was in the quotes... I just changed my code to:
$buttons[] = $form->generate_submit_button("Submit",array('onclick' => 'return confirm(\'Are you sure?\');'));
And it worked!
Thanks for posting the solution so others who have this same question can figure it out.