(2017-04-27, 09:10 PM)IranDeliver Wrote: [ -> ] (2017-03-01, 12:30 AM)IranDeliver Wrote: [ -> ]Hey
First, Good Job.
Second, I check the demo and Im not sure if its a bug or what, so I ask, when you change color of theme using Quick Color, still the original Blue color is still shows up on hover in footer or search.
Is the bug fixed in RTL version ?
We will update to V1.2, maybe early May. Please wait
Also i cant seem find way to change these blues? And also on postbit, bg is always white.
Maybe add those to some other color like links etc.
(2017-05-01, 03:07 PM)Legitti Wrote: [ -> ]Also i cant seem find way to change these blues? And also on postbit, bg is always white.
Maybe add those to some other color like links etc.
"Color Development" is only suitable for developers, so it may not be perfect, in a theme that uses a lot of colors, so the colors in it are just the basic colors.
UPDATE V1.2: Fixed a few bugs, quick color
Version 1.3 will be available next week, with a dark version, fixes of Color Development.

Update: V1.3
Fixed a few bugs, Color Development, Added dark color
![[Image: oG3xqdw.png]](https://camo.mybb.com/dd9d928862da83a8460b38f3f84b049b5aaa4753/687474703a2f2f692e696d6775722e636f6d2f6f4733787164772e706e67)
Is that updated to demo? I cant find dark mode there
Sorry, we do not update the theme on the demo.And the dark version is only for admin options.
Cool, looks like Google Plus!
(2017-05-27, 12:46 PM)Nemus Wrote: [ -> ]Cool, looks like Google Plus!

Change the input style of the theme (if not received please contact us)
Fixed a few css errors