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Full Version: Authorization code mismatch.
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I have looked at most of the thread they get me no where because I cant login to the admin CP, i can get into the first part but when i click on something else it ask's me to sigh back in and I try to sigh back in and it does not let me.

I have looked at this:
But it does not work because I cant get access to any of the admin CP

I have also tried clearing my browser cookies and cache but still nothing and i have tried another web browser but nothing will work.
I have looked in the FTP to try to sort something out and still nothing so i decided to look in the SQL database and that does not help me as well.
Also i have looked almost everywhere on the internet and i could not find any help on this.

I would try to use 'File Verification' tool but i cant get anywhere in adminCP.

If it helps there is a theme on the website and i was trying to remove it and i cant because it keeps asking me to sigh in the adminCP.
(Is there a way to remove the theme in FTP and stop it loading up with out going into admin CP)

Photo of the admin CP when i click on something:
For problems accessing ACP, see here. Then you can resolve the Authorization mismatch issue.
(2019-03-23, 11:14 PM)Wires Wrote: [ -> ]For problems accessing ACP, see here. Then you can resolve the Authorization mismatch issue.

Ahh okay, i'll take a look if it dose not work i'll let you know thanks.

Where it says /inc/settings.php mine says:

$settings['cookiedomain'] = "";
$settings['cookiepath'] = "/Forums/";
$settings['cookieprefix'] = "";

and i still can't do anything in ACP.
open settings.php file using
editor at your web host panel or by using advanced editor like notepad++

$settings['bburl'] = "";
to below
$settings['bburl'] = "";

similarly change values of
$settings['cookiedomain'] to {note: it has dot at the beginning}
$settings['cookiepath'] to /Forums/

save the file & use it. you should be able to login to forum admin panel

then at the admin panel
you have to put again above given values
at Site Details page of Configuration section
and save the settings

Quote:Board URL -->
Cookie Domain -->
Cookie Path --> /Forums/
Right i have edited,
$settings['cookiedomain'] = "";
$settings['cookiepath'] = "/Forums/";
$settings['bburl'] = "";

Went back on the forums and loged into the admin pannle but when i click on something else it log's me out and i cant log back in..

$settings['bburl'] = "";
$settings['cookiedomain'] = "";
$settings['cookiepath'] = "/Forums/";
Also change
$settings['cookiesecureflag'] = "1";

$settings['cookiesecureflag'] = "0";
(2019-03-24, 11:21 AM)doylecc Wrote: [ -> ]Also change
$settings['cookiesecureflag'] = "1";

$settings['cookiesecureflag'] = "0";

Sweat, that is working now. Is there anything else i need to change or not?
Quote:then at the admin panel
you have to put again above given values
at Site Details page of Configuration section
and save the settings
(2019-03-24, 11:36 AM).m. Wrote: [ -> ]
Quote:then at the admin panel
you have to put again above given values
at Site Details page of Configuration section
and save the settings

Board Name:
Cookie Domain:
Cookie Path:

Is that all good now?

Also another problem i have came a cross now is that i can not logout of my profile...

it has gone back to this "Authorization code mismatch. Are you accessing this function correctly? Please go back and try again."
i have done nothing. I can log into the ACP and it all works there but not on the forums.


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