2020-08-29, 12:52 PM
As of today, it could be safely said that this theme and design are the most advanced, comprehensive personal themes I have created. They entail codes that are up to all standards; I have been working on said project for a considerably long amount of time in hopes of presenting it to my university. The project was initially established and created using angular 9. However, I decided to convert it into MyBB form. Moreover, it contains a near endless assortment of components, such as buttons, inputs, forms, widgets, tables and several other elemts that could be included in any project. The design is highly responsive and adaptable to almost every device and every size
![[Image: j6DpPHP.png]](https://camo.mybb.com/49ce52c72a25b3ee174636f25d501be4bbbd153a/68747470733a2f2f692e696d6775722e636f6d2f6a3644705048502e706e67)
Demo: Dark / Light - Feel free to create an account and navigate through the offered design
Screenshots of Light Version:
Screenshots of Dark Version:
Price: (25$)
Email: [email protected]
Discord: rain#8733
Note: Any plugin that is not of optimal compatibility could be modified by contacting the designer
Screenshots of Light Version:
Quote:Index: https://imgur.com/3IUbEWz
User Panel: https://imgur.com/5NHoZof
Admin Menu: https://imgur.com/gi8Umzq
Main Menu: https://imgur.com/nutIS2G / Responsive: https://imgur.com/gpE56KX
Forum Display: https://imgur.com/pB0yVAk
Show Thread: https://imgur.com/B1Afr0K
Staff List: https://imgur.com/vgsEZu1
Member List: https://imgur.com/s50PsX7
Member Profile: https://imgur.com/vuQxX4I
User Control Panel: https://imgur.com/TwbB6bV
User CP Edit Profile: https://imgur.com/DKqVAcz
Inbox: https://imgur.com/Y6AGrLf
Sidebar collapsed: https://imgur.com/rMiuaEO
Sceditor: https://imgur.com/FynmLOS
Login Modal: https://imgur.com/fq7dh5G
All Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/VAxyx4W
Screenshots of Dark Version:
Quote:Index: https://imgur.com/JHtZKGc
User Panel: https://imgur.com/Y2PDC16
Admin Menu: https://imgur.com/fMwkMcr
Main Menu: https://imgur.com/VBEriV3 / Responsive: https://imgur.com/kWK5AjL
Forum Display: https://imgur.com/sQ5Vh6Z
Show Thread: https://imgur.com/Nf7WBev
Staff List: https://imgur.com/ocufVKb
Member List: https://imgur.com/K8CXcQR
Member Profile: https://imgur.com/vG7WfVV
User Control Panel: https://imgur.com/FE0eKC8
User CP Edit Profile: https://imgur.com/CHkxoXC
Inbox: https://imgur.com/4CksWbR
Sidebar collapsed: https://imgur.com/n7IWOJC
Login Modal: https://imgur.com/d1kcyj2
All Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/zYrx707
Price: (25$)
Email: [email protected]
Discord: rain#8733
- Clean, simple and understandable design
- Sticky Header
- Collapsing Sidebar with the feature of saving users' option
- Custom Login Modal
- Custom Admin Control Panel Menu and Moderator Control Panel Menu
- Innovative, flexible Menu System
- Contains multiple fully responsive mechanisms
- Contains SVG icons
- Contains Tooltip Titles
- includes Bootstrap v4.5.0 (https://getbootstrap.com)
- includes Font Awesome v5.14 (https://fontawesome.com/)
- includes toastr notificaition v2.1.4 (https://github.com/CodeSeven/toastr)
- includes Perfect Scroll v1.5.0 (https://github.com/mdbootstrap/perfect-scrollbar)
- includes Custom Icons
- Contains Scroll to top button
- Redesigned Quotes and Code blocks
- Redesigned User Control Panel
- Additional, personally-designed user panel
- Moderator Control Panel Menu replaced with font awesome
- Font Awesome icons for seen and unseen messages
- Custom profile style with the feature to let user choose their background
- Custom postbit with the feature to let user choose their postbit background
- Mybb modals replaced with Bootstrap Modals
- Custom Search bar
- Includes the latest post on sidebar with collapsing feature
- Animated Forum statistic on index page
- Redesigned Member List page
- Full Documentation
Note: Any plugin that is not of optimal compatibility could be modified by contacting the designer