Hi there!
I'm having one small problem with the theme cloud_nine currently for some reason. Basically regardless what we do to the theme settings in the admin panel we can't change the background colour on the forums. PLEASE HELP
Other than that, congratulations on making I'd say the world's best bulletin boards. Vbulletin will be spinning in its grave when Gold arrives!!
Which backround colour of all u mean? Make a screenshots and point to which color u need to change and i will tell u what to do
The outermost layer. You can see it in this picture.
That doesn't look like cloud 9 skin but I'll tell you anyways how to change that:
ACP -> Themes -> Modify/Delete -> *Theme Name* -> "Body Background Color"
Yeah, that was just from this site. I've been trying that way several times with no success. My site is
http://www.dreamnova.com to see the true theme.
Body Background Color
The page body background color. This is the 'outer most' background color
Search for this and change it
That's what I've been doing. I have an entire team of scripters and we can't figure out the problem, it just sits on grey, even if i type in "#FFFFF" in body background colour.
Could it be that you need to adjust the "Body Background Image"?
Prehaps the color is hard coded into the CSS template. Goto AdminCP -> Templates -> Modify / Delete -> *template name* -> Expand -> CSS
Look for:
body { then after it should say:
background: $theme[bodybgcolor] $bodybgimage; if it isn't then change it to what I highlighted in bold.
After looking at your source code whiilst posting this, I've just noticed this:
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="Cloud_9/styles.css" />
This should say something like this:
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css.php?theme=3" />
the theme=3 should be the number of your theme, and this is what creates the stylesheet for your template, as all the settings, templates, themes etc are stored within the database and are dynamically created.
This is most probably why your background color isn't being changed in the AdminCP.