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Full Version: Changing "SortBy" of the "next page" button
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I want to add a list of new threads in the search.php

search.php has an action = getdaily, i added a new variant from it.

But my question is, how do a change the URL of the "page buttons" on the results page , specifically the sortby parameter ?
because they have sortby=lastpost on default, but i need sortby=dateline.

i dont see them being defined in any template or php

Lastpost already sorts by post dateline if resulttype is posts.
If you want to add a custom sort, you need to add the sortby in a case in the switch at line 74 of search.php:

Quote: switch($sortby)
case "dateline":
if ($search['resulttype'] == "threads")
$sortfield = "t.dateline";
$sortfield = "p.dateline";

case "lastpost":
if(isset($search['resulttype']) && $search['resulttype'] == "threads")
$sortfield = "t.lastpost";
$sortby = "lastpost";
$sortfield = "p.dateline";
$sortby = "dateline";
@chack1172 response is on track, the following would be my approach assuming you are core-editing :

First, some dirty trick in your custom search process :
elseif($mybb->input['action'] == "getfoo")
    /* search logic */

    $sid = md5(uniqid(microtime(), true));
    $searcharray = array(
        "sid" => $db->escape_string($sid),
        "uid" => $mybb->user['uid'],
        "dateline" => TIME_NOW,
        "ipaddress" => $db->escape_binary($session->packedip),
        "threads" => $db->escape_string($tids.',||newFoo||'), // so we differenciate this search from others
        "posts" => '',
        "resulttype" => "threads",
        "querycache" => $db->escape_string($where_sql),
        "keywords" => ''

    $db->insert_query("searchlog", $searcharray);
    redirect("search.php?action=results&sid=".$sid, $lang->redirect_searchresults);

Then add the following code after the following code block :
    if(\my_strpos($search['threads'], '||newFoo||') !== false)
        $search['threads'] = \str_replace(',||newFoo||', '', $search['threads']);

        if(!isset($mybb->input['sortby']) || $mybb->input['sortby'] === 'dateline') // so users can still custom sort
            $sortfield = "t.dateline";
            $sortby = "dateline";

Core-edit could be worked around but not worth the hassle if you use something like Patches to manage your core edits.

Thank you for the answers, i will try it.