Hi, I want to increase the font size in Afresh Leaf theme to the standard default MyBB theme. Where do I cange the settings in Edit Theme Properties?
Templates & Styles > Themes > theme_name > Stylesheets in theme_name > global.css > body > Font Size
Hi KuJoe, thanks for that, that changes it in the header and footer but not index / forum display. Where do I need to change it for forum display / home page?
Thanks for that, what ones do I need to change for 1. Category Headings 2. Category Descriptions 3. Posts
tcat and thead for 1 and 2.
Posts? Changing trow1 and trow2 should have fixed that.
The smart thing to do would be changing the font size of content that way everything in content would be the same.
How would I do that for Apart Leaf Theme?
Should only need to change it in the table class, the body class, and the .smalltext class.
Thanks for that Scoutie44, what if I wanted to change the link colours from grey to green for the forum and thread links, where would I change the hex?
Well, you can add specific CSS or do it globally. Do you want all links to be green or just the ones you mentioned above?