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Full Version: some one hacked my forum...
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i used UPDATE mybb_users SET usergroup = '4' WHERE uid = '1'
and its shows that i get ban and i cant login to the acp.
DELETE FROM `mybb_banned` WHERE `uid` = '1'

Then change your database password and edit ./inc/config.php to reflect the password change.
im still banned, it seems that the group 4 (admins) is banned
coz when i change to group 3 im not banned but i cant login to acp
UPDATE `mybb_usergroups` SET `isbannedgroup` = '0', `cancp` = '1' WHERE `gid` = '4'

Give that one a go.
tryed that to... still banned. (group only)
is there a way to turn group 3 to go acp?
I don't think you can ban a usergroup. But ok...

UPDATE `mybb_groups` SET `cancp` = '1' WHERE `gid` = '3'
#1146 - Table 'admin_forum1.mybb_groups' doesn't exist

it shouldnt be usrgroups?

so i did it and put myself in group 3 and now im not banned and can go to modcp but cant login to admin cp
True, my bad. Right, might be easier if you can PM me the URL of PHPMyAdmin, the login details for it, and the URL and login for your forum and I'll look at it first hand.
did it...
how can i create a new group throw the phpmyadmin that can enter to the acp
Don't moderators have the ability to ban admins? It could be that one of your mods banned you.
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