MyBB Community Forums

Full Version: [Release] Redzee 1.4x
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its basicly a simple layout for anyone to edit off.
(2009-03-08, 11:33 AM)Icy Wrote: [ -> ]Very simple, you should have added some gradient or gloss to the thead. It would look a lot better.
Nice job with the templates anyway.
Yeah, I agree - a gradient for thead would make this a killer theme!Smile
Can you show me a screenshot of your forum display, new reply and showthread please?
Nice, clean and simple
(2009-03-09, 10:20 AM)Combo Wrote: [ -> ]Can you show me a screenshot of your forum display, new reply and showthread please?

sorry i cant atm. my host is down Toungue
install it and have a look.
bump, yh
Installed and had a look, are we allowed to edit this theme and re-release?
Sure, PM me the end result Smile
id love to see it.
I will do, I'll be reverting some of your templates, to the original, may take a few hours or even days to complete but I'll be sure to Pm you the end result.


Alright Smile
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