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Full Version: New Logo?
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I think we'd be losing out if we didn't make use of Shaun's talent here.

Big Grin
(2009-04-07, 10:30 PM)MattRogowski Wrote: [ -> ]I think we'd be losing out if we didn't make use of Shaun's talent here.

Big Grin
Oh, without-a-doubt! All in favor of Shawn's logo, say "I"

Someone gloss it up :p
Honestly, I think the current logo could be improved with just some slight color and effect adjustments. The all-white versions in some staff's sig looks nice.

Also the JPEG compression in the banner is terrible.
(2009-04-07, 10:46 PM)Bey Brad Wrote: [ -> ]Also the JPEG compression in the banner is terrible.

It's fine, it serves its purpose.
(2009-04-07, 11:12 PM)Imad Jomaa Wrote: [ -> ]
(2009-04-07, 10:46 PM)Bey Brad Wrote: [ -> ]Also the JPEG compression in the banner is terrible.

It's fine, it serves its purpose.

no it looks grainy and gives an unprofessional impression of the software

i mean if you want something that "serves a purpose" with no regard to how it actually looks just throw shawn's logo up there
(2009-04-07, 11:27 PM)Bey Brad Wrote: [ -> ]
(2009-04-07, 11:12 PM)Imad Jomaa Wrote: [ -> ]
(2009-04-07, 10:46 PM)Bey Brad Wrote: [ -> ]Also the JPEG compression in the banner is terrible.

It's fine, it serves its purpose.

no it looks grainy and gives an unprofessional impression of the software

i mean if you want something that "serves a purpose" with no regard to how it actually looks just throw shawn's logo up there

If it was my choice, I would have. Toungue The compression is fine honestly, you really have to look hard enough to notice the quality.
My girlfriend commented on it just when she was looking over my shoulder ...
Who sees the logo? Administrators who have just installed their boards, Administrators logging into the Admin CP (although it's a smaller logo and awesome looking page where the logo is not the main focus) and logged in Administrators. That's who. These people don't need fancy logos, in my opinion.

Oh, and those who visit this site. But there is always pretty background pictures to complement it. Smile
You're right, Ryan. Brand image has never contributed to the success of any product or service.
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