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Full Version: Ease up on ghazal and let her leave the forums in peace.
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(2009-06-11, 06:40 PM)KuJoe Wrote: [ -> ]I hate pointless posts, so in return I hate people who make pointless posts... you can see where this is going...

I use can, but in every thread I've repeated my self over and over. I wish someone would buy ghazals website so she can leave. The quicker the better. Sorry if I sound harsh but that's how I feel.
I added her to my ignore list a long time ago and I suggest others do the same. I even have her IP banned on my sites. No sense in even reading her posts if they annoy you. As for her leaving. I hate to be mean about it but I can't say I'll miss her.

Quote: this entire forum is being hijacked by anti ghazal posts

I think that's a backlash for her posting total garbage in as many threads as possible. She's a spammer that makes low-quality posts day in and day out. Eventually everyone is going to hate her (and they seemingly do).
(2009-06-11, 07:13 PM)labrocca Wrote: [ -> ]I added her to my ignore list a long time ago and I suggest others do the same. I even have her IP banned on my sites.
Best suggestion I've heard all day!
I have her on ignore, but sadly that doesn't put an end to both seeing her threads and my morbid curiousity.
(2009-06-11, 07:36 PM)Bey Brad Wrote: [ -> ]I have her on ignore, but sadly that doesn't put an end to both seeing her threads and my morbid curiousity.

Yes but when she is on ignore and you click that "show this post" you know it's your own damn fault. I been there too. It's a hit or miss clicking that link. Sometimes I just slap my forhead and did I do that for!
Don't get me wrong, I am not saying that her going is a bad thing, but I am just saying we need to just ignore her and let her do what she needs to do and leave. By constantly talking about her and replying to her posts we are only prolonging her stay.
Quote: By constantly talking about her and ...

You mean like starting threads dedicated to discussing her?
I suppose that is probably a bit hypocritical of me Toungue But i was more talking in terms of constantly replying to her " for sale" thread saying her price is to high and this and that and replying to her showcase thread about the banning which has thankfully been closed now. I mean it is fair enough to raise the points that were raised but they don't need to be repeated over and over again when it is obvious that she is to ignorant to listen to them in the first place.

(2009-06-11, 12:57 PM)ghazal Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks _Tim for posting this in my favour
By the way, i am not really posting in your favor, i still agree that perhaps you need to take an extended holiday from MyBB but i think they just need to let you do that in peace and on your own terms as you have already expressed that you are leaving.
Well I just think trashing of releases is tough. I personally would report posts that I feel are off topic or flaming in my release threads.

I still believe the best option is a plea for everyone to add her to ignore.
(2009-06-11, 09:13 PM)labrocca Wrote: [ -> ]I still believe the best option is a plea for everyone to add her to ignore.

I 100% agree, for those who are not familliar with it the feature by adding her to your ignore list it will make all of her PM's and posts invisible to you, do do this go to your User CP > Buddy/Ignore list > Enter ghazal in the bottom text field and click ignore users.
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