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Full Version: [Suggestion]Adding Theme(s)
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No offense to whoever designed the default theme but have you considered adding a more modern, less ugly theme for users to select while posting here? Something less busy/gamer type and more professional looking? I find myself using the *Lite* mode to browse with as it hurts my eyes less.
I think its not bad at all. Its suppose to be clean and simple and if you don't like it:

1) Download Mozilla Firefox
2) Install Firebug for Mozilla Firefox
3) Tweak the CSS to your needs

Or you can just leave Wink.
Quote:No offense to whoever designed the default theme but have you considered adding a more modern, less ugly theme for users to select while posting here?

I don't see your logic in this. The theme used is what you get when downloading/installing the software.....Why should it look any different from what you get in the package!

Quote:Something less busy/gamer type and more professional looking?

Again, I don't see your logic, how does this theme look busy/gamer type?

Please explain?
He's nagging how the theme is to ugly to be used as the default theme on, but I dont even think its ugly. Everyone just doesn't like it because it's the default theme Toungue. Seen to many times!
Iirc this theme is from ~2006 or so, lol. It's not getting a facelift for another few years.
(2010-02-21, 05:12 AM)Suse Wrote: [ -> ]Something less busy/gamer type and more professional looking? I find myself using the *Lite* mode to browse with as it hurts my eyes less.

0_o, that is less ugly?

I honestly have no clue how you can see the default theme as even remotely "gamer" looking.

Fortunately for you though MyBB will be getting a new theme for 2.0 but thats still a long way off. In the mean time I have only one solution (apart from Zomaian's Toungue), use another theme. Its not like you can't change the theme in MyBB.
IMO the default theme is not that bad as the majority of new users seems to MyBB. All I miss in the construction of a phpBB-style move it completely from the tables on divs but it probably will be version 2.0. Wink
(2010-02-21, 11:22 AM)virus4 Wrote: [ -> ]it completely from the tables on divs

There is no problem with using tables when displaying tabular style data which is what it is used for in MyBB. Using divs for this is really as bad as using tables for page structure. Maybe divs could be used for posts but forum and thread lists are really just tables.
Gamer type?? How is this anything like a gaming theme?? The default theme is far better than the default theme of some other forums, we're not going to add themes here as people will think they come pre included.
I think the main complaint is perhaps the blue contrast of the bars to the mostly white page. IMO, not really much different to the default XP theme really - blue bars with gray windows. I guess I see his point - it can be a little too contrasting depending on your monitor, but I wouldn't consider a problem if MS doesn't think so.
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