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Full Version: Making Groups on Community Forum
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(2010-05-04, 04:45 PM)Rozzy Wrote: [ -> ]Don't make them user-created then. You or another member of staff make it, and give invites to the people who deserve it, like theme creators. (If you made a theme group).

That is good suggestion.
Thanks, I hope we get this. It would be really awesome.
(2010-05-04, 04:43 PM)JovanJ. Wrote: [ -> ]Why?
Perhaps because this is a support board. Wink
I bet you it does't happen. And I agree with that.
OK. So who manages them, staff or users?? Staff have more important things to do, so it'd users. But who?? Choosing who would manage it would cause arguments and whoever didn't get chosen would complain. There would be threads asking "why can't I manage a group??". Where would we draw the line on what groups are created and what aren't?? One group on each subject?? "I'd like to make a group on this, or that, or something else". "X user won't give me an invite". "Can't we have non-MyBB/forum related groups too??"

Really, it wouldn't work.
:\. Okay. Doesn't matter really, I just wanted to stand out a bit. ;P
Do we need more epenis on forums?
(2010-05-04, 05:03 PM)MattRogowski Wrote: [ -> ]OK. So who manages them, staff or users?? Staff have more important things to do, so it'd users. But who?? Choosing who would manage it would cause arguments and whoever didn't get chosen would complain. There would be threads asking "why can't I manage a group??". Where would we draw the line on what groups are created and what aren't?? One group on each subject?? "I'd like to make a group on this, or that, or something else". "X user won't give me an invite". "Can't we have non-MyBB/forum related groups too??"

Really, it wouldn't work.

I already can say which users can manage groups. Or just leader of that group can manage his group.
Groups only will be related for MyBB.
Staff choes who can make groups and then everything is ok.
A group for plugin makers and themers would be great.
If they have submitted something on the mods section, they can be added to a group.

This would make the forum appear more living only as not all posts would look identical
A contributors group would be fine but not craploads of random groups.
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