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Full Version: Making Groups on Community Forum
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(2010-05-05, 12:40 AM)Scoutie44 Wrote: [ -> ]A contributors group would be fine but not craploads of random groups.

But then take that badge thinking there staff. If thats true, the mentor group should be back aswell.
(2010-05-05, 01:39 AM)41shots Wrote: [ -> ]But then take that badge thinking there staff. If thats true, the mentor group should be back aswell.
What does a mentor group do?
I am new here
Mentor group was just to say good job thanks for being a great help in the community. Most old staff or really helpful members got it. But it was removed because people took that badge as staff opinion.
(2010-05-04, 02:29 PM)Rozzy Wrote: [ -> ]This would be great. I'd love to have a group for all the people here who make themes, so we stand out a little more from the crowd.

(2010-05-04, 04:45 PM)Rozzy Wrote: [ -> ]Don't make them user-created then. You or another member of staff make it, and give invites to the people who deserve it, like theme creators. (If you made a theme group).

(2010-05-04, 05:05 PM)Rozzy Wrote: [ -> ]:\. Okay. Doesn't matter really, I just wanted to stand out a bit. ;P

Please don't take this the wrong way, but you've made ONE theme so far, and now you're beginning to sound higher than almighty!! Just think how it would be like if everyone made ONE theme or ONE plugin/mod, then they think they're entitled to join an "elite" group!

I don't understand the logic in having "elite" groups like has been suggested Please let us know what advantage it gives to anyone, especially as things have been rolling along very nicely so far. From what I see this forum has enough groups as is, no need to create any more. Smile
(2010-05-05, 02:45 AM)lufbra Wrote: [ -> ]Please don't take this the wrong way, but you've made ONE theme so far, and now you're beginning to sound higher than almighty!! Just think how it would be like if everyone made ONE theme or ONE plugin/mod, then they think they're entitled to join an "elite" group!

I don't understand the logic in having "elite" groups like has been suggested Please let us know what advantage it gives to anyone, especially as things have been rolling along very nicely so far. From what I see this forum has enough groups as is, no need to create any more. Smile
Making one plugin/theme is difficult. Not everyone does it.

Creating 'elite' groups is not neccessary.
Every time i read a thread, i have to look at the post count to guess the person and therefore his experience. Pictures and colors will facilitate this task.
(2010-05-05, 03:32 AM)Nayar Wrote: [ -> ]Making one plugin/theme is difficult. Not everyone does it.

Creating 'elite' groups is not neccessary.
Every time i read a thread, i have to look at the post count to guess the person and therefore his experience. Pictures and colors will facilitate this task.

I realize that creating plugin/themes isn't easy, I never said it was easy. But like I stated in my above post, creating one plugin/theme doesn't make you feel you're above anyone else here which is the impression I'm getting from the poster.

Looking at post counts doesn't mean diddly! There's folks here who have very few posts simply because they don't wish to "join in" the community here other than adding plugin/themes.
Might be worthwhile if we have a larger community. But now is probably not the time we need this kind of thing.
(2010-05-09, 06:36 AM)Dennis Tsang Wrote: [ -> ]Might be worthwhile if we have a larger community. But now is probably not the time we need this kind of thing.

This community is large enough for something like that.
I think MyBB should do this and I believe I have one good reason.

MyBB's commuity forum should serve as an example of the software and it's capabilities. It all starts here. All the features should be used including the reputation system. Not only does this showcase the features of MyBB but I also believe it might help future development. Sometimes I really question about implementation and since some on staff don't even have their own active forums maybe they aren't aware of some of the problems. Custom Usergroups imho are a problem. They lack a lot of control for group leaders and even admins.

If custom usergroups were implemented here they could be simple things like "100k Post Admin" or "Gaming Fan". Simple things that would allow testing and using the groups on this site.

Quote:OK. So who manages them, staff or users?? Staff have more important things to do, so it'd users. But who??

I'd be happy to run a group for admins with forums with 100k posts or more. And I think any admin with a million or more posts can be a group leader. It's a simple group that requires no additional privs than members but it would recognize admins running larger successful forums.

Quote:Might be worthwhile if we have a larger community. But now is probably not the time we need this kind of thing.

I know on my sites the custom usergroups help create a sense of fellowship and community. Member love them. Maybe custom usergroups could do that here too. What possible harm could the suggestion cause? Yet I believe there is strong arguments for benefit.
The way Labrocca puts it makes it sound a like a great idea. And, personally he's one of the few non staff that I would like to see run a group.
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