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Full Version: Shift or Caps Lock?
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Shift. I get too annoyed when I leave caps lock on and type a load of text in capitals.
Seriously? Am I the only one using Caps Lock?
What is caps lock? I think my keyboard doesn't has it...oh, i found it.
For what is it used anyways? Toungue
LOL!!! (shift pressed)
Shift, because I always forget to turn off cap lock Toungue
The only thing I use cap-lock for is toggleable states in games like run/walk (where I want to know specifically why I'm moving so slow, "Oh, hey, I forgot to turn on running").
Caps annoys me. A little icon comes up in the bottom of the screen and the current window goes out of focus. So I have to click to continue typing Sad
I use shift. I know someone who uses Caps Lock, seems redundant to me but he's really fast at it (then again, he also uses Ctrl + Shift + B to start a build, whereas I use F7, so maybe he just likes doing things the long way).
(2010-06-16, 05:14 PM)Jessie S. Wrote: [ -> ]* Jessie S. is tired of senseless threads such as this one Sad
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