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Ok lately alot of people have been requesting themes and alot of people have been recommending certain people.

It's great that everyone thinks that these designers are good, but if they really want the job they can come and post in the thread themselves. They shouldn't have other people doing it for them.

Furthermore, people like me who are trying to get up there with all the other designers are having trouble, because I will post and offer my services in a thread but someone else or a few other people will come along and post a bunch of other people. And it's always the SAME people.

I've posted and PM'ed a ton of people lately and I have gotten 2 clients out of it. Out of the total possible, 45.

I think the recommendations should stop because as I said, if those people really want the jobs, they can come post themselves. (Which they have a few times)

This isn't meant to be a slam against people like Infranight and Combus who are the two big names in this, it's just meant to be a break.

I want to make it as a big designer, and I can't do that if I never get clients.
If you want to make it to the big designer list than work for it. A good way is to do a lot of free themes and release them/ For example when I released MyBB Pro I got at least 10 new clients the same month. We can't really disallow people to suggest someone as its a personal opinion. I am sorry but that's how the market and business is.
I realize that and have plans to release a few free themes upon opening NeonSkinners tomorrow.

I just think that if people want the clients and jobs, then they should be the one posting and PMing, not the Community Members.
(2010-07-15, 06:00 PM)Bob Jansen Wrote: [ -> ]If you want to make it to the big designer list than work for it. A good way is to do a lot of free themes and release them/ For example when I released MyBB Pro I got at least 10 new clients the same month. We can't really disallow people to suggest someone as its a personal opinion. I am sorry but that's how the market and business is.

Thanks for the suggestion Bob. +Rep virtually. Smile
I don't see this as a problem really. If you get popular people will recommend you too. If recommendations just stop I can see a lot of business going downhill.
(2010-07-15, 06:02 PM)Lyndon Dueck Wrote: [ -> ]I realize that and have plans to release a few free themes upon opening NeonSkinners tomorrow.

I just think that if people want the clients and jobs, then they should be the one posting and PMing, not the Community Members.

If it could help i could add your new site in my list of available theme developpers on and Just send me you URL and tell me if you are having Free and/or Paid themes...

Even though I agree with Lyndon, I also have to agree with everyone else.

I agree that it's annoying not getting suggested, but if we want to get suggested, we have to prove that we are worth it. We have to prove we are good enough.
Everything's fine as it is. If you want jobs, do as you say and post yourself. Make the client choose you over the other people.
I suggest people because they've wowed me. For example, Damion has shown me multiple joygasmic designs. I suggest Combus for obvious reasons. I suggest Bob because how amazing his themes are, and because if i don't he hits me... /jks.

My point, make more themes like Ruinaid, and make public ones.
I don't really see what the problem is. Personally I think word of mouth is one of the most powerful and valid forms of promotion there is. It requires someone to genuinely please a third party with their products, so what is wrong with that?

Remember also that people have free will, just because someone recommends another person doesn't mean they wont go with you if they like your work more.
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