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I recommend Combus to other people on almost every request thread I see. The reason being is he is great at makings themes, just look at the websites he's done. If you want to get more clients read the suggestions above, possibly try to compete with other designers prices. Furthermore, people have choice, if they like other designer's themes better then yours, it's there choice on who they're going to pick.
Same as winford, plus I use combus personally so how can I not recommend him?
Recommandations are a great way of giving feedback. I always prefer using a service or whatever when a friend or a person I know made good experiences with this service / whatever.

Also, if you look into the real world, you will find the same. Yesterday a huge deal with a internet company that wanted to offer internet services in a village nearby crashed because they had no recommendations from noone.

If people like you and your products, they will tell others about it and recommend it - that's what you should work for.
(2010-07-21, 08:39 PM)Lennart Sauter Wrote: [ -> ]Recommandations are a great way of giving feedback. I always prefer using a service or whatever when a friend or a person I know made good experiences with this service / whatever.

Also, if you look into the real world, you will find the same. Yesterday a huge deal with a internet company that wanted to offer internet services in a village nearby crashed because they had no recommendations from noone.

If people like you and your products, they will tell others about it and recommend it - that's what you should work for.

If you look in the real world yet again, you will see some major companies are highs mostly by word of mouth. An example of that is Crocks (shoes.) They became huge mainly by word of mouth about how good and cool thier shoes were.
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