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This is the buttons french translation
Just a small bug :

[Image: 2zp15id.jpg]

[Image: nltt0z.jpg]

Where can i increase wide ?

Yes, I did based off of a tutorial. Thanks! Smile


There has been a fix posted for that on the Photoshop Bliss Forums. Smile
Thx trilobyte- Wink
(2010-10-25, 08:14 AM)trilobyte- Wrote: [ -> ]@Lectuer

There has been a fix posted for that on the Photoshop Bliss Forums. Smile

Please can i have the link to fix, i can't find the thread Sad
Lovely, but the background image is quite big, takes a while to load and start scrolling smoothly.
It's ok i fix the Editor...

I think that tou forgot to add a search link in header :

this is the line to add to the header :

<li> <a href="{$mybb->settings['bburl']}/search.php"><img src="{$theme['imgdir']}/toplinks/search.png">&nbsp;{$lang->toplinks_search}</a></li>
You have listed here that we need 5 posts to download I went to your site and made 5 posts.

Well what do you download the theme on YOUR site is 20 posts.

Nice false advertising Angry
(2010-10-24, 10:53 AM)trilobyte- Wrote: [ -> ]A few seconds extra loading speed never hurt anybody.

...just the visitors go away... so, no problem. Cool

btw it's a good looking theme.

(2010-10-27, 03:51 PM)Vapor Wrote: [ -> ]You have listed here that we need 5 posts to download I went to your site and made 5 posts.

Well what do you download the theme on YOUR site is 20 posts.

Nice false advertising Angry

If you bothered to read the post on MyBB Runway you'd see it was bumped up because of all the useless spam that was being produced. People were posting things like "Nice theme XD" on threads just to get to 5 posts, so yeah, it was bumped up. I'm not sure what you mean with the last bit, ofcourse it is on MY site, it's MY theme, and it's only downloadable via MY site.. your point? It's not false advertising at all, the conditions changed and I've been way too busy to fix up the threads here. If you don't want to make 20 posts to download the theme then you can't want it that much, stop being lazy and deal with it.
Yeah, I'm definitely too lazy and don't think the theme is worth posting 20 times on a site I don't really feel like joining. Otherwise glad you made it free and stuff, and would use it, but eh.

Please read the rules:
(2009-01-19, 08:00 PM)Dennis Tsang Wrote: [ -> ]Criteria:
4) The theme must be submitted to the MyBB Modification site.

I close here for now. Once you have met the criteria, you can contact me also via PM Smile
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