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Full Version: Huge Problem - Forum permissions ignored.
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Thanks morgoth, pm sent
I just checked again, they're fine.
This only happens to you, it's fine for everybody else when they view your forum, you said yourself it only happens on this specific forum and not on others, and it only happens in one specific browser, when again, permissions aren't going to change per browser. There has to be something about your browser that's storing something for this specific forum still.
ok. fine. but if it is like so, i viewed some forums in IE without setting the hide permissions to those forums. later i changed the permissions for those forums, now when i logged out refreshed the page, the forums are hidden without any problem and i dont think the browser still holds the cookies or something.
i figured out why it is causing the problem in IE 7
well, i created a group for bots as "Bots" and its id is "11". I gave permissions to this group to view all forums that are hidden from guests also. Its weird that this group id is acting as "guest" in IE 7.

I tried changing the permissions from view forum/threads to hidden forum/threads for all forums to the "Bots" group id. Now when i visit forum in IE 7, it is requesting me(guest) to register to view the forums. But the default guest group had the permissions to view forums/threads which is ignored here and overwritten by "bots" group permissions.

In other browsers, the permissions are working fine and i can see forums as guest with the above described permissions set.

Why is this happening so?
When we add bot, it is usually registered to guest group and when the bot visits board, it shows as member, which is weird. Can we make them as registered members as specific group? Because, even though i created group for Bots with id 11 and when i try to add new bot to that group, they arent displayed as registered to that group ie; when we visit ACP->Users & Groups-> Groups->we see the created and default groups listed with the details - Group | # of Users | Order | Controls
In this details, for bot group, there are no members being shown as registered even though we add bots to that group. Cant we make them as registered members to specific group?
I think, making this will solve the problem overall, as those bots are considered as registered and with the permissions given to view forums, makes the forum to display those forums in IE 7 to bots only eventhough they dont register and the guests will not view the hidden forums that are made visible to bots.
The point of assigning a group to a bot is so you choose what group they browse the board as, and what permissions they'll have. It's not to add them as an actual member to that group. What seems to be happening here is that for some reason IE7 matches the user agent string for one of the bots, but as you've added 1198 of them, we're not going to be able to figure out which one. However, this still only happens to you, it didn't happen to me or anybody else in IE.

Also, note that Google will punish you in terms of rankings for doing this. Showing stuff to bots that usual guests can't see is called cloaking, they don't like it and your rankings will suffer if they find out.
Thanks matt
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